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This Primordiax-related article is a stub. You can help us by expanding it... to be specific, by asking questions. Post your questions on the Talk page and we'll try to answer!


What races can be what classes, and which races are the best at each?

Any race may become any class, Crafter, Adventurer or Support. At the time of writing (4th November 2010) there are few benefits and detriments to each race, they can be found here along with the history and backgrounds for them.

Mainly choose a race that you like the feel and look of and have fun with it!

Do I have to choose a class or profession straight away and can I change my mind later?

When you start playing with your chosen race and blank slate character, you will be put into a small tutorial area away from anywhere in particular. This should last approximately 15 minutes (or one toll), after which you will move into your chosen city of origin.

It is strongly recommended that you choose a class and profession at this point. It is possible to play around a little, and there are no time constraints on doing so. However it is nigh-on impossible to advance your character's level and skills until you pick a class.

Once you have chosen your character's profession and class, they are set in stone and unchangeable. So feel free to take your time, read through all the information that is available and bumble around your main city RPing with anyone you please. Use this as an opportunity to have a look at people who have already chosen their profession's also and get an idea of how they will play.

How do I choose a profession or class?

In order to select your class and profession, find any guild hall within the city. They are clearly marked with different colour text and found off the main walkways. If in doubt ask for directions in advice to a guild, or the Inn where you can RP with a player for information or get a guided tour if you are lucky!

The adventurer's guild should be one room from where the general taskmaster is in your city, you may choose any class or profession from inside any guild hall, however afterwards you will only be able to use the guild hall that is specific to your class.

Once you go there, take a look at the sign. It will give you specific instructions on how to choose a class and profession.

To choose a class, simply type "class <class name>" To choose a profession, simply type "profession <profession name>"

How do I train skills or practice hobbies?

To train a skill, you must be standing in the right room inside your guild - the room where the NPC guild master is standing. Then "train <skill name>". Hobbies are learned in the same way, however you must "practice <hobby name>".

How do I see how much money I have?

Use the "wealth" command. There is a help file associated with this command found in-game. For more information also read the help currency command. Or follow the link here to currency.

Where can I get some bags/containers

A small selection of bags can be purchased from the medallion shop (Command :medallions shop). Most of them are quite specific to what they can hold. However there are also some lock boxes that have been found by some players and if you convince them, may be bartered for.

Other than these there are no other forms of storage. A system like the currency bank, only for items, may be added in the future.

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