Creator and Destroyer Mixup Log
From Wikimalia
Urthor asks, "Maybe Aryoch has something to do with this?"
Munson asks Urthor, "Why Aryoch?"
Urthor says, "He seems to have some nefarious purposes"
Urthor says to Munson, "Aryoch has some ill purposes around him"
Urthor says to Munson, "it would be a victory for him to disrupt and divide us from the Aether"
Munson asks Urthor, "Aryoch has ill purposes? In creating everything that we have and that we are?"
Aryth says to Urthor, "Indeed, I wouldn't go much further about speaking about Aryoch."
Aryth says, "Creater of everthing."
Urthor grips his head
Aryth says, "I reccommend you read up on history."
Munson says, "I don't think he needs to be afraid to speak. I am just curious as to why he thinks Aryoch might bear ill will towards the Gods beneath him and serving him."
Munson asks Urthor, "Are you thinking of H'Coyra?"
Urthor says to Munson, "I don't know what came over me.. I did not mean Aryoch.. but H'Coyra.. the unmaker, the destroyer"
Munson says, "Aha. Yes. I see now."
Munson says, "It is probably good that our gods are not so active, or after that mistake Urthor may have ended up little more than a pair of smoking boots."
Aryth grins at Munson.
Belatrice says, "I made those boots, they would survive"